Telecommunication and Networks

What is Telecommunication Network? 

 A Telecommunication Network is a collection of terminal nodes, links and any intermediate nodes which are connected so as to enable telecommunication between the terminals.

Telecommunication technology is moving towards open, interworked digital networks for video, voice, data and multimedia whose primary goal is to promote easy and secure access by business professionals and consumers to the resources of the Internet, Intranet and Extranets.

Components of Telecommunication Network

The major components of any telecommunication network are Terminals, Telecommunication processors, Communication Channels, Computers and Telecommunication Software. Basic types of of telecommunication networks include WANs and LANs.

Telecommunication processors include modems, multiplexers, interworked processors, and various devices to help interconnect and enhance the capacity and efficiency of telecommunication channels.

Need and Scope of Networks

Telecommunication network allows file and resource sharing, remotely acessing of data and information through Internet, simultaneous acess to shared databases,  implementation of fault tolerance over a network, and providing access to the Internet for transferring thedocument and to access the resources.

Telecommunication Network Model

A simple conceptual model of a telecommunication network consists of five basic categories of components:-

  1. Computer
  2. Terminals
  3. Telecommunication Media/Channels
  4. Telecommunication Processors
  5. Telecommunication Control Software

Business Value of Telecommunications 

Information technology, especially in telecommunication-based business applications, helps company overcome barriers to business success. The strategic capabilities of telecommunications and other information technologies include overcoming geographic, cost, time and structural barriers.

Classification of Telecommunication Networks

On the basis of different factors, telecommunication networks can ne classified as follows:-
  • Area Coverage Based : LAN, MAN and WAN
  • Functional Based : Client-Server, Peer-to-Peer and Multi-Tier
  • Ownership Based : Private Network, Publuc Network and Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

Network Security

Network Security Protocols are primarily designed to prevent any unauthorized user, application, service or device from accessing network data by implementing cryptography and encryption techniques. Network security protocols generally implement Digital Signatures, Cryptography and Encryption Techniques.

Some of the popular network security protols include Secure Shell (SSH), Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) etc.

Information  Systems and Telecommunication

Telecommunications give an organisation the capability to move information rapidly between different locations and to provide the ability for the customers, suppliers and employees to collaborate from anywhere, combined with the capability to bring processing power to the point of the application.


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